Friday, September 26, 2008

Acne Medications Worsening Your Acne

***Note*** If you have had severe acne throughout your body (excluding the face) BEFORE the implementation of acne medications/over-the-counter drugs/products then I'm sorry to say there's a chance this information may not be of use to you.

Having been through a whirlwind of drugs, medications, and dermatologists, I completely understand the horrors of acne. The way acne eats at your sense of self-worth and self-esteem is disheartening and emotionally draining. Having gone through the mill and facing countless days of mental anguish, I am proud to say I have finally triumphed over my "severe" problems with acne.

Have you ever noticed areas on your body where you don't use medications they happen appear clearer? For example, your neck may be clearer than other areas. If you experiment acne medications on areas of your body where your skin is clean, observe what happens (Your shoulders and deltoids particularly). You're more likely to breakout on those areas where medication is applied.

The chemicals that are placed in these acne products destroy healthy skin cells. As a result, the skin's defense system is unable to combat acne naturally. According to Dr. Ronald Drucker, a highly accomplished expert in the field of natural health care, argues that " pharmaceutical companies (the ones who make medicines) are not there to make us healthier; they are just there to make money. They are big businesses, and just like any other business their aim is to make money. They don´t want you to know the real causes of health problems and they don´t want you to prevent them. They just want you to buy their drugs. Our healthcare system relies on findings from scientific studies that are mostly financed by pharmaceutical companies. This system is designed to make us more dependent on drugs than it is to prevent disease. " Basically, there is no money in cures, but there is money in treatment.

So what's the secret to combating acne?

Simple, WATER! Regardless if you have used medication or not, WATER is all you ever need to combat acne!

It's like prehistoric times when Western medicine did not exist and when humans were placed in harsh environments (weather, dangerous insects, animals). They only had their NATURAL resources and their body's immune system to survive (not mixed potions or chemicals). I think society is built too much on systems and methods. In summary, just think NATURAL and let everything work themselves out NATURALLY.

We sneeze when we have something in our nose, we cough when there's something in our throats, we urinate when there's too much fluids, we sweat when it's hot, etc. These are small things that the body does to achieve homeostasis (balance). How does homeostasis relate to skin and acne?

Essentially, our skin's natural defense system was made to fight off bacteria/pathogens and other harmful things naturally. The skin has the ability to regenerate and replenish a new layer of skin cells every six months. It's constantly " shedding ". In truth, we don't need acne medication or products to fight off acne because our body was already made to handle this! In the long-term, using acne medications will only make your acne worse.

THE SOLUTION (How I did it):

Firstly, DISCARD all forms of acne medications or products (this includes facial cleansers, facial masks, etc.).

Secondly, switch to warm water.

You can start by washing your face in the morning when you get up. Then, wash your face again before you go to bed. Washing twice will suffice. Then, PAT (not rub) your face dry with a separate clean towel just for your face. Also, a small dab of lotion (I use "Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion" after I shower- I never shower more than once a day) should be gently massaged throughout your face. Two dabs of lotion should be enough to thinly coat the face.

This is all you have to do for 6 months and you will see improvement. Remember, every 6 months you get a new layer of skin. Another 6 months and your skin will be able to fight acne even better and prevent new ones from forming. You know how some pimples take a while to go away? With a new non-damaged skin, the amount of time a pimple stays decreases and disappears faster. First thing you might notice in a couple weeks is the reduction in blackheads. Again, just water and lotion is all you need.

Here's the catch and the hard part about doing this. Depending on how long your body has been relying on the products you use, there's a good chance you might have a massive breakout on your face. You might have what I call an " acne galore ". This is the hard part about doing this and this is where patience comes to play. After this part, it gets better I promise! As time passes, your skin will begin to realize that your not using these products anymore and it will start to gradually function again. Remember, this takes loads of patience and it's all about time and letting your skin regenerate into a new skin that can fight and maintain stability. Yeah, eating a healthy diet is good because diet can affect acne to some extent. You know those people who eat junk food and candy but still have clear faces? That's because they have non-damaged skin that can easily combat acne. Also, DON'T TOUCH, POP, OR PEEL YOUR FACE. JUST LET EVERYTHING FALL OFF BY ITSELF.

I HIGHLY SUGGEST you give this "Water Regimen" AT LEAST 6 months if anything. If there is not even the slightest improvement after 6 months, then you can look towards the use of medications.

However, if you choose not to try out the "Water Regimen" and not heed my advice, then here are some things to keep in mind: Benzoyl Peroxide which is used in many acne medications has its long-term effects. For one, it increases the risk of skin cancer. Two, it increases your sensitivity to sunlight. Also, long-term use of oral or non-oral antibiotics (Accutane) can lead to kidney failure and a weakened immune system. This is why water is safer in fighting acne as you give your skin time to regenerate and create new healthy skin cells. Also, water removes dead skin cells which is a plus. Lastly, good luck and don't stop if you see even just the smallest improvements!

Questions, doubts, or concerns you can contact me at
Sources <--- Interesting information pharmaceutical companies don't want you to know.

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